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I've always wanted to be a person who says what they're going to do, and then does it. I have been super reflective lately on how my actions impact others, in good or bad ways. How have I raised people up? Who have I hurt? What have I said I was going to do and then didn't do? How are people around me, or even myself, impacted by that?

I've done a mediocre job at holding myself accountable for the things and promises I've let slip by, both directly and indirectly. I didn't call him/her back. I didn't make it to this, in the absence of a good  reason. I did not try my hardest on this one thing, because I simply didn't want to.

With specific regard to two people in my life, I have not kept my word.

One is a mother for whom I tutored. But with the presence of school work, I sort of slipped out of communication with her, living her without a tutor. The other is a very sweet, past-potential romantic partner that I never called back. We were going different places, and I felt like he and I could find better matches in other people, but I never told him that directly, even after he told me how he felt about me. It was not until a similar thing was done to me that I realized that I might have hurt someone. I am so sorry to both of these people, and I am texting them both today. But I am being driven by empathy and pity. In the future, I don't want to get to this place. I just want to do what I said I would do.

It's called intentionality. Are you resolute in attaining the things you want? Are you steadfast in keeping the promises you make? I'm not always, but I'm hoping to get there soon. On the eve of my 22nd birthday, I'm reminding myself that I am better than all of the broken promises and commitments I'm responsible for. I want to be an intentional, resolute, and persistent person who helps others and herself get to their destinations.

You are after all the product of your action or inaction.

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