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About Me: Constance

HI! I am Constance, a 20 something from Seattle, WA. I currently reside in NYC, and I am in pursuit of a Master's Degree in Urban Affairs. I have an avid love of traveling, something I do not do enough but save for regularly. You can catch me watching my faves: Jane the Virgin, Grey's Anatomy, and Shameless. I watch the last one in truth partially because it is so ridiculous, it makes me feel better about my own crazy life. I love to laugh and cry with those closest to me. And I love a good wine-and chat.

 I want to see you succeed. I want to see you grow. Thank you for reading about my own struggles and victories here. Writing this blog is something I have wanted to do for a while, and I cannot thank you enough for humoring me with your views. I am so excited what the future holds for us all!


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