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There are moments where one person can consume you... Is it healthy absolutely not! Is it possible yes! For the last two months I have consumed myself with one person, I have seen this person in both the good and the bad. But I realize now he should not be defining my happiness. My happiness does not depend on this person. I should not dictate my life over how this individual has treated me or how how they have made me feel. I  have realized that I am ready to grow up and see that there is always something better there for me.

I always want you guys to remember these few lessons that I have learned recently from my friends and for myself:

1. Focus on you

In this life time you will realize that your happiness should be your main priority. Take a step back and ask yourself, is this good for me. Stop trying to make everyone in your life happy. Not everyone will be. At the end of the day this is your life, if someone won't take that opportunity to share it with you, then they're out of luck.

This also means have that one on one time with yourself. Get a glass of wine, write in your journal, put on a face-mask and relax. Do whatever makes you happy.


Stop it just stop. Don't make that one individual your priority. Read suggestion 1. If you continue to pine over someone who clearly does not interest in you, their loss. Cause you are a badass.

3. Enjoy your life

This means stop holding yourself back based on the past. Holding grudges will never get you anywhere, things will not be fixed. Go out with friends or read a good book. Its up to you, but if you want any suggestions read about empowered women. Read Becoming by Michelle Obama, or My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor. Or just read a good mystery novel, spice up your life.

4.  Prioritize

This means prioritize your work life as well as your social life. Work life being school as well. Girl have goals, prioritize those goals. In terms of your social life, make those who mean the most to your number ones.

5. Delete

Negativity has got to go goodbye. This means anything from energy to people. LOL keep it coming

The last one would by a reality check on happiness. Not to be a negative Nancy but YOU CANNOT ALWAYS BE HAPPY. It's just a fact of life. If you're not happy then you're not' that's completely allowed!! Do not brush it off. Recently, Constance and I heard about this woman who has never felt pain, both emotionally and physically. At first I said, "Wow, how good it must feel to not feel pain! She has no worries in the world." But Constance said something that change my whole perspective. "But how does a person grow without pain, how has she gone through life?" This made total sense! How did she go through life without pain. Has she succeeded , has she failed? I feel like pain heals us. It makes us grow, so don't be naive into thinking that we have obstacles to overcome. I'm excited to put these lessons to use more and more everyday. Hopefully you will too!

Happy Growing!!


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