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Remember this

Hi guys it’s been a while! I always start with that which is kind of bad but here I am. So to start off I want to say how incredibly grateful I am to have this type of platform where I’m allowed to speak my mind and learn about other people’s experiences. The great thing about this is you can have your voice heard on this platform as well so we’d really like to hear from you. Im glad Constance came up with this idea, in which I am grateful of every day. Would not be in the place I am today without it believe me. 

So I’d like to tell you about me and mine. I started off on this page being very negative on both myself and others; constantly criticizing those who held me back but mostly criticizing myself. Which don’t get me wrong constructive criticism is not bad but there is away you should do it to yourself. The criticism you get shouldn’t affect you in away that makes you scared or anxious in or anyway of double back on every decisions you make. It shouldn’t stress you out affect your mental or physical health. And if it does definitely speak to someone about it. It could be your best friend, your mom, or some random dude on the street. Just make sure you speak your mind holding it in any longer will not only bring torment for yourself but for others.

Fairly recently I have noticed that my self image has been spiraling. From my body image to even my friendship. My lack of self confidence has stricken me to become a more dependent, needy, and even at times a mean person. And that’s not who I ever want to be. For many reasons I think it has something to do with the fact that I have no idea what the hell im doing in my life so I criticize. Which I acknowledge and must work on.  I need to realize that’s okay that not everything we do HAS to be perfect. Which is really hard to deal with but that’s how life is. 

I also have to realize my actions, thoughts, comments affect others more than I know. So here’s my pact for myself and I hope you’ll take it with me too. This pact starts off with the decisions I will be making in order to become a better but not completely perfect person. 

  1. If you want to say it just say it. Holding on your feelings only causes tension. If you can’t speak to anyone about it whether you’re too embarrassed or more of introvert def write it down. At least it is kept private but also illustrates or tells the specifically catered audience how you feel. 
  2. Don’t ever rely too much on people. Although there are people in this world who have so much love for you as a person, there will be moments where that love isn’t reciprocated. This can take in many forms in relationships or friendships. There can be a healthy balance in which you can equally distribute your emotions or actions to help you and your friend through this crazy life we had. 
  3. Let those people who don’t want to be in your life go. It’s a waste of time to constantly reach out to those who don’t  care. You’ll know who those people are as soon as they see no factor which will help them get something out of you. 
  4. DONT BE SCARED. I for one need to be reminded this constantly because I always let my fear of the outcome over run my life. It not only can stress you out me tally but physically 
  5. Don’t pray for wants pray for needs. I’m not very religious but I definitely believe in something that looks after me. If you pray for wants your needs will never be met
  6. Never regret the small things. Just don’t torment yourself. Things happen for a reason. 
  7. Imagine your future not the past. We can’t change it might as well change what we’re doing right now to become better people
  8. Read more. I heard it helps with the brain.
  9. Be a nicer person.

With number 9 I leave you this. Be nice you never know what might happen. Remember if you talk badly about others you must reevaluate your own life and your own problems. Everyone goes through something, if they say they’re not they are lying. That’s a fact. No one is perfect. I for one need to be reminded of that time and time again. 

Simple rules to live buy: never lie, cheat, or steal, and remember you are wonderful and you are loved 

Hope you all have an amazing summer! I will be away for a min but I will return hopefully a better person.



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