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Growing out of friendships

There is always one person in your life that just might walk right out of it. This person may be your significant other or maybe even your best friend. Maybe you'll see it coming, maybe you won't. Someone once told me that "you will never experience pain than when you lose a best friend." This is something I can relate to because one of my closest friends left my life a few months ago without any explanation. But I also saw it coming in certain ways.

I'm not going to name names but I will definitely explain the experience. It all happened in August right before school started. For a couple of months, I had been feeling that we had been growing apart and we were talking to each other less. From what I can remember I was slowly realizing that I was not getting invited to things and I would feel left out when I was around her. I had known this girl my WHOLE life and we talked about EVERYTHING together, which is why when things started to change it felt like a culture shock. But around the end of August, everything about our friendship stopped. The texts stopped, the conversations stopped, and that friendship seised to exist. From what I can say I was really hurt because this was the girl I saw as one of my bridesmaids. I cried a lot it was almost like a breakup and I couldn't explain why it ended, maybe it was me. Sometimes I still think was all me. I still see her around sometimes at events, we're cordial but it's not the same. Sometimes I miss that friendship because she was almost like my little sister.

Some times I wonder if that relationship ended because I stopped texting her first. In the back of my mind, I always wanted her to, you know, reach out to me and tell me what happened. Maybe that's selfish...maybe it was me trying to see if she wanted to be in my life you know.

Recently I have thought about reaching out to her to ask what went wrong to see how she was doing. Maybe there was a miss communication. On my part, I should have tried harder to see what was up but I think I was too scared.

So here is my advice to myself and to you; If you want someone to be in your life expect them to make the same effort you do. If you don't make an effort they will not either. If you want to know how they are just hit them up at least you tried. You may not like confrontation but sometimes you have to confront things in life that make you uncomfortable. If that friend decides that they don't want to stay around for your good and your bad no matter the circumstance, then don't make yourself sad. Realize that there are so many other people in your life that probably would. Make connections and be honest.  Stay hopeful my friends!



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