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Showing posts from June, 2019

Remember this

Hi guys it’s been a while! I always start with that which is kind of bad but here I am. So to start off I want to say how incredibly grateful I am to have this type of platform where I’m allowed to speak my mind and learn about other people’s experiences. The great thing about this is you can have your voice heard on this platform as well so we’d really like to hear from you. Im glad Constance came up with this idea, in which I am grateful of every day. Would not be in the place I am today without it believe me.  So I’d like to tell you about me and mine. I started off on this page being very negative on both myself and others; constantly criticizing those who held me back but mostly criticizing myself. Which don’t get me wrong constructive criticism is not bad but there is away you should do it to yourself. The criticism you get shouldn’t affect you in away that makes you scared or anxious in or anyway of double back on every decisions you make. It shouldn’t stress you out af...

On Being A Solo Act: Your Goals, Your Happiness

I've always been an overachiever. Since birth, I've taken what I wanted. More often than not, with hard work, I've found myself face to face with success. I enjoyed the journey. I am not saying this to gloat. I want to offer you some context as to why I feel so incredibly useless and defeated recently. I walked at my graduation on May 30th, 2019 in recognition of both of my degrees. I formally graduated with my bachelor's degree six months ago. Today I am completing my last course for my Master's degree. You want to know what's fucked up? I am 21 years old,  I can officially say that in four years, I was able to get both a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree, all while juggling the bullshit I've discussed at length on the blog. And that's INCREDIBLE. But, I don't see my situation as such most of the time. I see an absence of goals. As if all I am is the product of my schooling, I'm wondering what's next, all while being dep...